founded in aussie

we work together with the locals to find things you will not find outside australia. our findings might shock you. we give you the truth that no other media will discover.

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our findings


possum might be a spy

we know possum looks cute. but they like to eavesdrop in front of you dorm room! the picture above are the one who get caught. it should be noted that people in the past send them to send mail. that's why they know human language.


no bidet, only watering can

some people need to wipe with water after doing the business in toilet. but as you know, not much toilet in australia have bidet. so the thing you can do is using watering can. this innovation is founded from immigrants that going to Australia.


huge eggplants

it might be shocking for some people. but, the reality is some eggplants can grow larger than adult human head size. how great is that? in 1990s, the researcher find out they can make plant grow bigger by showing them picture of koala.


cute-looking plug

isn't it cute everytime your phone out of battery, you will look at this cute droppy-eyed emoticon. it might be different from the ones in your countries, since Australian scientists prove this kind of plug are easier to find on your walls in 2005.


eating pattiserie is a culture

a study in 2000 shows that people in Australia, especially Melbournian, eat cake and bread everyday. since it is already a culture, every visitors should try them. another research states that Melbourne only produce the bst cake since 2002.


firemen's teleportation power

in Australia, the firemen already trained to use teleporation power. therefore, if you need them, they will arrive at your place in only 5 seconds. a book tells the power found by drink special potion that only can found in Australia.


hanging ice

in 2004, Australia government want to offer the public with hanging ice. this is happen because the government want the public do not feel too hot in summer. every year, it always be developed, and now it can be hanged in the roof.


cool old-looking building

the picture above is St Peter & Paul Chatolic Church. As you can see, the building established in 1897 by an architect called James. in fact, in Clayton, there are 789 old building recorded. certainly, they are well-maintained.